Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Day 173
My neighbor's birthday. I vowed to make it real good. We got dressed in costume.
Costumes are always real good. I win. 
Day 172
Pictures of me and my nephew laying in the grass. We were grabbing clouds. 
Day 171 
Milo the dog. Also my neighbor. 
Day 170
I really like bubbles. 
Day 169
My roommate/cousin doing push-ups. Funniest picture I've taken in a while. 
Day 168
The best purchase I've made in a long while.
$15. SCORE. 
Day 167 
We're representing every floor of our apartment building. 
I love my neighbors <3  
Day 166
My roommate woke up with a coin stuck to his back. 
Day 165 
My neighbor loves our cat. And she also made a kitty burrito out of my cat. 
Day 164
I got chocolate Scrabble from my sister for my birthday. Me and my roommate played.
Of course I won. Oh, and according to him, I have vag lice. 

Day 163
My nephews and niece were baptized. I was proud. 
I love them so much. 
Day 162
Our cat Crabbers. He has toes. 
Day 161
My actual birthday! I got birthday tacos, and a sweet mustache cup. What else could a girl ask for?

Monday, June 13, 2011

Day 160
Our cat is very fat. 
Day 159
My parents came down for my birthday party. They passed out on my love seat and this was my drunk idea of a family portrait. Very drunk idea. 
Day 158
Birthday money. Thank you, customers of Tim Hortons. Thanks to you, I get drunk. 
Day  157
I learnt that the book I'm reading glows in the dark...in the creepiest way possible. 

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Day 156
My new room. Nearly together. 
Day 155
The Jasper Chronicles. This is what it's like to have my cat back....
on cat nip. 
Day 154
This is the way my roommate's cat sleeps. 
Day 153
Moving day. Beer and cats and roommates. Change is good.